A Note to My Readers
For all of my fans (all two of you), I pose a question. I require your input. If you've read at least two of the postings dealing with jaywalking, you may have picked up on the idea that this site has less to do with jaywalking per se and more to do with risk taking. (That, and just goofy-ass ramblings). Therefore, I'm weighing whether to change the subtitle from "Random chaos in a neat little package" to something like "A Guide to Taking Risks." My other option is to have rotating subheads and change them at will or whatever whim I'm having that particular day. Let me know what you think. Post a comment. Thanks.
Ok, but I think what people REALLY want to know is, do you wear cologne?
take a risk
What the heck, "The Art of Jaywalking" is a sort of neat little package for "Random Chaos in a Neat Little Package." I mean, what could possibly be predictable from somebody that devotes himself to the art of jaywalking?
Risk Averse
Risk Subverse
Risk Converse
Risk Reverse
Risk Rehearse
No Risk Free Trial
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